Monday 18 July 2011

The Dirty Dozen - w/e August 7th 2011

The last six bonds, all fully paid off, the next six due - The Dirty Dozen. Scroll down the insert box and check out the sub-totals - last six, next six, August total, September total. Check that one out especially.

Have ye ever heard of ‘The Bystander Effect’, also known as ‘Genovese Syndrome’? What it boils down to is this; the greater the number of bystanders at a crime scene the less likely it is that any one of them will help. What we are witnessing here is the greatest bank heist of all time. And that's all we're doing, witnessing, watching, standing by as our money is taken from us, millions at a time. I'm currently on a 7-day bread n' water fast to try to highlight this injustice, but who gives a damn?


  1. Diarmuid,

    Thank you for the obvious hard work thats gone into this. It's really a great tool to have in raising peoples awareness about whats happening.

    One question, is there a way of telling if these are covered by the government guarantee? Or are you only listing that which is not covered?

  2. They're all in here, covered and uncovered, but I'm assured by someone who understands these things that even the guarantee can be very quickly undone, by new legislation.
