Monday 3 October 2011

The Dirty Dozen - w/e Oct 9th 2011

Last week was a good week to be a bondholder in one of the Irish banks, a total of nearly €2bn paid out, the holder of a €1.4bn unsecured bond with AIB doing best of all. Ah we're a generous people, handing over all that money to those financial institutions, failed gambles all but honoured by us all the same.
Appearing for the first time this week the €1bn Anglo Irish Bank bond, the remaining €700m of which falls due for payment on November 2nd. That's Anglo, the zombie bank, and our masters - the ECB - expect that like so many million zombies we will pay that money, follow the path they are dictating for us, the details of which are set out by their local 'controllers' here, our own government.
Thank the heavens for Declan Kidney, Brian O'Driscoll, and all their heroic men.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Diarmuid...and many thanks for maintaining this list/resource.

    By any chance you make the full list available anywhere? Also, do you have any indication of what the prices for the bonds might be?

    Regards, Arthur

